Monday, December 06, 2004

Wanted!! SLEEP!!!!!

Ok so lets just say for the moment that for the past couple of days i may have been in abit of a bad mood, maybe its because i have only gotten about 5 hours total of sleep in the past 2 days... hmm it makes one wonder.... Ok so now for the funny, yesterday i was sitting here at work doing what i always do... play Halo2, well my cell rang and i picked it up and to much of my surprise it was "BOB" (<---Fake name) one of my former employees at Radio$hack.. Well he told me that he had gotten a letter in the mail stating that they wanted him to give them $250.. See "BOB" was fired for stealing so leave it Radio$hack to try and get more money from him... that is just to funny... I have pretty much been boycotting them since i quit no longer than a month ago.. Its nice not having to work for a company that has no sense of moral direction or business ethics.. Enough with my rant on that i could go on for the next hour on how they fuck thier employees out of money... So anyway "BOB" got this letter and i was like ok dude what do you want me to do pay it and he said yea and i was like i wasnt the dumb shit stealing and i hung up on him, i have begun to notice a pattern of anger managment problems with lack of sleep. Like today i had a guy come in and buy a phone and pay his deposit, well lets just say i wasnt nice to him at all, actually i was a dick and i dont know why, this guy didnt do anything to me but i felt it was my obligation to make this the longest and worst experience in this guys life..... Neat huh.... All will be better soon my day off starts tomorrow and my family is gone to the Bahamas till Saturday so i have some well deserved time alone..


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