Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Thanksgiving Story

It was the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The turkey was killed by the hands of my brother its evident in the video he's a sick motherfucker. Jess-ho and Jenn-ho plucked it all night while i played with baby Jase most of the night. With the turkey all plucked all guted all clean all i can imagine is moms homemade stuffing, its good to the taste all moist and soft, the mashed potatos are fluffy and their not chunky at all. So we come to the end of my little poem and just to remember its called the turkey poem, Goobles was his name so may he rest in piece or atleast at the bottom of my belly.. GOD BLESS GOOBLES...


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